What is your career title?
Forensic pathologist. As such, you may be employed by, or have a contract with, a coroner or work in a Medical Examiner system.

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What are the main duties and responsibilities?
To investigate sudden and/or unexpected deaths as well as deaths due to unnatural causes such as trauma, occupational death, environmental deaths, toxins and poisons. Most forensic pathologists will also examine live patients to interpret wound patterns and patterned wounds, and then provide testimony on their findings and opinions.

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What aptitudes and abilities do you have that have helped you to be successful in your career?
Good powers of observation, common sense, ability to deal with people in stressful situations, thick skin to deal with families, police and attorneys who don't like your opinion.

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What education and/or training did you have for this job?
College, medical school, 4 years of residency and fellowship in anatomic and forensic pathology, then passing a three-day exam.

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What education and/or training would you recommend to a person interested in entering this field?
A liberal arts education in college to make you a well-rounded and well-educated person; take only the science courses necessary to get into medical school and take advantage of all the other educational opportunities college has to offer. You must be able to communicate effectively.

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What other education and/or training is helpful for adventure in this career field?
Debating or acting are valuable in learning how to effectively communicate to a jury.

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How would you describe your work environment?
Usually based in an individual government building, which also houses a clerical section, investigative section, laboratory and examination area. The overwhelming majority of us work in major cities, not rural areas.

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Do you work mainly with data, people, or things?
People, people, people.

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What are your usual work hours?
8 to 10 hour days, five days a week, not necessarily Monday through Friday, as well as being on call every 2nd to 7th night depending on the number of other forensic pathologists.

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How much overtime do you work?
Usually average a 60 to 70 work week with no overtime pay.

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What are some personal values or qualities that have contributed to your success in this career?
Integrity, compassion, integrity, respect for others, integrity, intellectual curiosity, integrity, common sense, integrity.

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In the year 2009, what is the average salary for someone who has worked for 5 years? 10 years?
Starting salaries range from $120,000 to $170,000, depending on where the job is and what the cost of living is for that area and how hard it is to attract someone to that area. In some areas, a forensic pathologist with more than 10 years experience might earn over $200,000.

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What is the day in the life of a forensic pathologist like?
Most days begin with a morning meeting where we review the cases brought in within the last 24 hours and decide which need autopsies and which don't. This is followed by performing autopsies and the afternoons are usually filled with meetings with families and law enforcement, testifying, or doing paperwork.

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Is the job as glamorous as they make it seem on television?
No. It's hard work under conditions far worse than those displayed on television and in movies. Underfunding is the norm and most offices will never have the equipment shown on TV.

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Additional career information is available at:

4n6pathology.com official website